Willi's World

Willi's World
or: the Man Who Took Things Apart

From my 24 Hour Comic.

Dad, my brother, Willi, and I shared one thing in common. We all got the bug early. Dad wanted to fly, I wanted to move to Toontown, Willi liked to take things apart. Putting them back together would come later (he grew up to be Scotty from Star Trek; If he could touch it, he could fix it) but, at this point in our story, he knows just enough to kill us all.

Set your Wayback machine for 1956. Dad's watching the game and thinks he smells gas. He goes to the kitchen, checks the oven and stove... nothing. He goes back to the game and thinks he smells gas. He goes to the garage and checks there... nothing. He goes back to the game and, dammit! That's gas!

Outside is the only place left to check and, sure enough, there's Willi, all of four years old, with what's left of the gas meter, in pieces, on the ground all around him.

Not scattered, mind you. Everything is organized in neat little piles: nuts, bolts, washers, gauges... and oh, yeah, GAS is pouring out of the pipes!!!

That Willi. What a scamp.

Happy Trails

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