The Angel, From the collection of James Henry
The Avengers commission
The Bat and The Cat. Commission 2014
Batgirl commission
Batman and Catwoman
Batman commission
Batman. Commission 2007
Captain America commission
Captain America and The Shield commission, 2002
Chance Falconer and Mike Mahogany, The Black Duck. Commission 2003
Colossus & Dr. Strange commission, 2008
Colossus, from the collection of James Henry
Conan the Cimmerian 2013
The Conqueror Doom
Daredevil and Black Widow
Daredevil vs StiltMan
Dawnstar. Commission 2014
The Defenders, commission 2010
Detective comics #71 Cover recreation, Commission 2010
Doctor Strange against Baron Mordo. Commission, 2006
Doctor strange and Captain Atom commission 2002
Doctor Strange and The Black Knight. Commission 2006
Doctor Strange and The Mindless Ones 2012
Doctor Strange Vs Baron Mordo ,commission 2006
Doctor Strange, The Ancient One and Clea. Commission 2007
Dormammu and The Mindless Ones vs Dr Strange
The Dread Dormammu. Commission 2014
The Dynamic Defenders, commission 2007
el Lagarto Barracho Cantina
Emma Frost, from the collection of James Henry
Emma Frost, The White Queen. From the collection of James Henry
The Fantastic Four vs Dragon Man
FF vs. Hulk
The Golden Age Manhunter. Commission 2005
Green Lantern Vs The Hulk ! commission, 2001
Hulk vs Giant-Man and The Wasp. Commission 2003
The Hulk vs The Thing, commission 2014
In the Dark Dimension. Doctor Strange and Lucas Falconer. Commission 2014
Iron Man vs Magnus Robot Fighter ! commission 2001
Justice League of America
The Magnificent Seven, The Uncanny X-Men. Commission, 2005
Manhunter commission 2009
The Mighty Thor and Loki. Commission, 2002
Miracleman and Aza Chorn the Warpsmith
Miracleman vs Johnny Bates/Kid Miracleman, Commission 2009
Mr Freeze and Batman, commission 2014
Nightcrawler, from the collection of James Henry
The Origin of Doctor Strange
Second Chances, Chance,Spidey and Georgie. Commission 2014
Sgt Rock and Captain America, commission 2001
Spidey battles Daredevil ! ( featuring the eerie menace of the Ringmaster) commission 2002
The Spirit . Commission 2014
The Spirit and P'Gell
Storm 2004
Superman & Green Lantern
Superman commission
The Uncanny X-Men #173, Cover recreation 2016
Uncanny X-Men 173 Redux
Vampirella commission
Wolverine and Colossus, The Fastball Special. Commission 2002
Wolverine and Kitty in The Savage Land. Commission 2014
Wolverine and Rogue Vs The Hand. Commission, 2004
Wolverine and Rogue, Commission 2014
Wolverine Samurai
Wolverine Vs. Hulk
Wolverine Vs. Usagi Yojimbo
Wolverine, Spidey and Kitty
X-Men vs. Magneto
X-Men, Days of Future Past, commission 2006